
Endure: Building Faith for the Long Run is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Endure, Daniel Ritchie explores how God’s people run the race with endurance. Within this book, you will find direction and encouragement for how to trust God in every year, every day, and every minute. You are loved by God. And specific attitudes and habits will build your faith and connect you to God’s love. Learn how the seemingly mundane choices can be the most important—for your good and...

There are two things in life you never pray for: brokenness and patience. Obviously that’s a joke. It’s a joke you will hear pastors offer up in light of the weight that both prayers carry when it comes to living them out. A prayer for brokenness is a call for loss and affliction. Being broken tears away any sort of veneer of self-sufficiency by having to walk through hurt and darkness. A prayer for patience functions much in the same way as a prayer for brokenness. The answered prayer
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